, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Fools (351-400)

Fools (351-400)

There is no wise response to a foolish remark.
— Slovak

There is more hope for a fool,
than a man who is wise in his own eyes.
— English

There are no foolish trades,
there are only foolish people.
— French

There is no fool like a learned fool.
— Italian

There is no fool like the old fool.
— English

There is no medicine to apply to a fool.
— Japanese

There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool,
he is sure to tell his own tale.
— Danish

There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.
— French

They are wise in other men's matters
and fools in their own.
— English

Young men think old men fools,
but old men know the young men are.
— English

Though the fool waits, the day does not.
— French

Though the speaker be a fool, let the hearer be wise.
— Spanish

To every fool his cap.
— Dutch

To give counsel to a fool is like
throwing water on a goose.
— Danish

To promise and give nothing is a comfort for a fool.
— English

To a fool the ocean is knee deep.
— Russian

Too much wisdom is akin to foolishness.
— Norwegian

Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.
— English

Two fools in a house are too many.
— English

Up to seventy years of age we learn wisdom
and then we die fools.
— Yiddish

We all have a fool under our cloaks,
but some can hide it better than others.
— Swedish

Were there no fools, there would be no wise men.
— German

Were fools silent they would pass for wise.
— Dutch

Were there no fools, bad ware would not be sold.
— English

What the devil does in a year a fool does in an hour.
— African (Morocco)

What the fool does at last, the wise man does at first.
— Spanish

What a wise man bewails makes the fool happy.
— Yiddish

What a fool can spoil, ten wise men cannot repair.
— Yiddish

What women say is nonsense;
but he who does not listen in is a fool.
— African (Bemba)

When a fool goes shopping,
the storekeepers rejoice.
— Yiddish

When a fool keeps quiet, you can't tell
whether he is foolish or smart.
— Yiddish

When a luckless fool kills a rooster,
it still hops; when he winds a clock, it stops!
— Yiddish

When a wise man talks to a fool,
two fools are talking.
— Yiddish

When foolishness sometimes succeeds,
it is still foolishness.
— Yiddish

When fools go to market,
peddlers make money.
— Dutch

When one talks too much,
one talks foolishness.
— Yiddish

When the fool drops his bread
it falls into the honeypot.
— Russian

When the fool has made up his mind
the market is over.
— Spanish

When the fool is told a proverb,
the meaning of it has to be explained to him.
— African (Ashanti)

When a fool has too many roses
he plants thorns amongst them.
— Russian

When you sow money,
you reap fools.
— Yiddish

When the head is a fool,
the whole body can go to hell.
— Yiddish

Where two fools meet,
the bargain goes off.
— English

While the word is still in your mouth,
you are a lord; once you utter it, you are a fool.
— Yiddish

While the cautious one ponders,
the fool will cross the bridge.
— Armenian

While the discreet advise,
the fool does his business.
— English

Who loves not wine, women, and song
remains a fool his whole life long.
— German

Wine and women make fools of everybody.
— German

Wise men have their mouths in their hearts;
fools have their hearts in their mouths.
— English

Wise men learn by others' faults, fools by their own.
— English
