, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Spanish Proverbs (001-100)

Spanish Proverbs (001-100)

What the fool does at last, the wise man does at first.

The busy fly is in every man's dish.

The official who can't lie may as well be out of the world.

The tired ox plants his foot firmly.

Secret fire is discovered by its smoke.

He who has a trade may travel through the world.

He who does not show himself is overlooked.

If you wish to be well served, serve yourself.

Where the wolf gets one lamb it looks for another.

A fool sometimes gives good counsel.

A fool, if he holds his tongue, passes for wise.

If folly were pain, there would be groaning in every house.

He who makes light of his enemy dies by his hand.

The father a saint, the son a sinner.

He who asks the fewest favors is the best received.

It is fair and just to cheat the cheater.

The wedding feast is not made with mushrooms only.

Every one speaks of the fair as he himself finds it.

Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox.

The sheep that bleats loses a mouthful.

For evil tongues, scissors.

If the eyes don't see, the heart won't break.

No flies land on a boiling pot.

What force cannot do, ingenuity may.

Beware of a bad woman and put no trust in a good one.

The wolf commits no mischief at home.

The best feed of a horse is his master's eye.

There is no better patch than one off the same cloth.

Folly is the most incurable of maladies.

Better suffer a known evil than change for uncertain good.

The mouse that knows but one
hole is soon caught by the cat.

To eat and to scratch, one has but to begin.

An open door tempts a saint.

He is a great simpleton who starves himself to feed another.

A fortress on its guard is not surprised.

A little spark kindles a great fire.

The shirt is nearer than the frock.

When the old dog barks he gives counsel.

He who wants to kill his dog has only to say he is mad.

He who doubts nothing knows nothing.

For love of the ox the wolf licks the yoke.

The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclinations.

Wherever you may be, do as you see done.

When one door shuts, a hundred open.

Many kiss hands they would fain see chopped off.

Health and cheerfulness make beauty;
finery and cosmetics cost money and lie.

He who sleeps much, learns little.

No fly gets into a shut mouth.

Two sparrows on one ear of corn never agree.

There are more threatened than hurt.

A good heart breaks bad fortune.

Skilled hands eat trouts.

The wise hand does not all that the tongue says.

A short halter for a greedy horse.

Health and cheerfulness make beauty;
finery and cosmetics cost money and lie.

There is no such witness as a good measure of wine.

The wolf changes his teeth, but not his disposition.

Hear first and speak afterwards.

Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles.

Let not the tongue utter what the head must pay for.

Every hair casts its shadow.

If you eat it up at supper, you cannot have it at breakfast.

A sparrow in the hand is better than a bustard on the wing.

The greyhound that starts many hares kills none.

As is the king, so are his people.

No woman is ugly when she is dressed.

The well-dressed woman draws her husband
away from another woman's door.

The king likes the treachery, but not the traitor.

No king was ever a traitor, or pope excommunicated.

The mare's kicks are caresses to the horse.

He who knows little soon tells it.

What three know, everybody knows.

A good word extinguishes more than a pailful of water.

New loves drive out the old.

A man forewarned is as good as two,

Where luck is wanting, diligence is useless.

He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.

A spot shows most on the finest cloth.

A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers.

Lovers think that others have no eyes.

Lying and gossiping go hand in hand.

Luck comes to those who look after it.

All are not soldiers who go to the wars.

The son of an ass brays twice a day.

Who ventures nothing has no luck.

A sick man sleeps, but not a debtor.

Good luck makes its way in by elbowing.

He is out of danger who rings the alarm bell.

The more a woman admires her face,
the more she ruins her house.

He who loves well, obeys well.

To a hard knot a hard wedge.

The stew that boils much loses flavor.

To love and be wise is impossible.

Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost.

In my own house I am a king.

Ill luck enters by fathoms and departs by inches.

The envious man's face grows sharp and his eyes big.

One fool makes a hundred.

He who wants a mule without fault must walk on foot.

He who finds fault wants to buy.
