No man learns but by pain or shame.
It is the cowl that makes the friar.
Beware of the man of two faces.
What the sober man thinks, the drunkard tells.
In the land of promise a man may die of hunger.
Were every one to sweep before his own house, every street would be clean.
Small gains bring great wealth.
All are not friends who smile on you.
The richest man, whatever his lot, is he who's content with what he has got.
When a man feels pain he lays his hand.
He must shoot well who always hits the mark.
He must indeed be a good master who never errs.
To marry once is a duty; twice a folly; thrice is madness.
Nothing so bad but it finds its master.
The richest man, whatever his lot, is he who's content with what he has got.
No better masters than poverty and want.
What the sober man thinks, the drunkard tells.
It is bad marketing with empty pockets.
A friend is better than money in the purse.
The fruit falls not far from the stem.
He that creeps falls not.
A crown is no cure for the headache.
An inch too short is as bad as an ell.
Better once in heaven than ten times at the gate.
Honor once lost never returns.
They who are often at the looking-glass seldom spin.
Take a horse by his bridle and a man by his word.
A fool may chance to say a wise thing.
They who come from afar have leave to die.
Clothes make the man.
Geese are plucked as long as they have feathers.
Your friend lends and your enemy asks payment.
When cats are mousing they don't mew.
Creaking carts last the longest.
Young folk, silly folk; old folk, cold folk.
He that loves his child chastises it.
Soon fire, soon ashes.
Take nothing in hand that may bring repentance.
Unlaid eggs are uncertain chickens.
All offices are greasy.
An honest man's word is his bond.
Pleasures steal away the mind.
The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.
An idle man is the devil's pillow.
Give him an inch and he'll take an ell.
He must gape wide who would gape against an oven.
When the ass is too happy he begins dancing on ice.
By slow degrees the bird builds his nest.
It is hard to blow with a full mouth.
Sooner or later the truth comes to light.
As you began the dance you may pay the piper.
No sheep runs into the mouth of a sleeping wolf.
When thieves fall out, honest men come to their goods.
Friends are known in time of need.
Roast geese don't come flying into your mouth.
Who hunts with cats will catch nothing but rats.
Advisers are not givers.
The workman is worthy of his hire.
All do not bite that show their teeth.
Take counsel before it goes ill, lest it go worse.
The devil has his martyrs among men.
Reward sweetens labor.
Ride on, but look before you go.
Soon ripe, soon rotten; soon wise, soon foolish.
An old rat easily finds a hole.
God does not pay weekly, but pays at the end.
Everyone for himself, God for us all.
Rest makes rusty.
Good right needs good help.
Better return half way than lose yourself.
Were the sky to fall, not an earthen pot would be left whole.
Better twice remembered than once forgotten.
The further from Rome the nearer to God.
He who would catch a rogue must watch behind the door.
Strew no roses before swine.
Roses fall, but the thorns remain.
Pull gently at a weak rope.
Who ventures to lend, loses money and friend.
Froth is no beer.
It is good rowing with set sail.
Union is strength.
Silence answers much.
Who runs is followed.
The less said the sooner mended.
It is the safest sailing within reach of the shore.
He who would gather roses must not fear thorns.
When the sack is full it pricks up its ears.
There is nothing so secret but it transpires.
Who undertakes too much, succeeds but little.
A friend at one's back is a safe bridge.
More belongs to dancing than a pair of dancing shoes.
When the shepherd strays, the sheep stray.
Don't throw away your old shoes till you have got new ones.
When one sheep is over the dam, the rest follow.
After the sour comes the sweet.
Who has many servants has many thieves.
The more servants, the worse service.
Who fears no shame comes to no honor.
Coupled sheep drown one another.
The scabbier the sheep the harder it bleats.
END Dutch Proverbs (301-400)