, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Fortune (076-100)

Fortune (076-100)

Fortune often knocks at the door,
but the fool does not invite her in.
— Danish

Friends through fortune become
enemies through mishap.
— English

With bare hands one establishes a family fortune.
— Korean

From peddling small goods on the streets
you don't make big fortunes.
— Yiddish

From fortune to misfortune is a short step;
from misfortune to fortune is a long way.
— Yiddish

Good watch prevents misfortune.
— English

Good fortune closes the eyes,
misfortune opens them.
— Slovak

Good nature and talent are worth
more than a large fortune.
— Filipino

He who suffers misfortune may
well look out for another.
— Flemish

He who comes last is usually more
fortunate than he who comes first.
— Filipino

He who has the fortune brings home the bride.
— German

He that has no ill fortune, is troubled with good.
— English

He dances well to whom fortune pipes.
— English

He's a good man whom fortune makes better.
— English

If fortune turns against you,
even jelly breaks your tooth.
— Iranian

If favored by fortune medicine will take effect in due time.
— Indian (Tamil)

If fortune turns against you, even the horse
in the stable becomes a donkey.
— Iranian

If fortune calls, offer him a seat.
— Yiddish

Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.
— English

Industry is fortune's right hand
and frugality her left.
— English

It is well that misfortunes come
but from time to time, and not all together.
— Irish

It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune.
— Danish

It is easy to manage when fortune favors you.
— Danish

It takes great wisdom to laugh
at one's own misfortunes.
— Indian (Hindi)

Law courts lie in wait for unfortunate people.
— Vietnamese
