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World of Proverbs: Native American Proverbs (101-150)
Native American Proverbs (101-150)

Even animals have their taboos. — Plains Indian proverb
Respect everyone, but lower yourself to no one. — Shawnee proverb
When you die, you will be spoken of as those in the sky, like the stars. — Yurok proverb
Friendship cannot be bought; you have to help make it. — Sauk proverb
Only two relationships are possible — to be a friend or to be an enemy. — Cree proverb
When you lose the rhythm of Mother Earth, you are lost from the rhythm of life. — Cheyenne proverb
Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. — Dakota proverb
Our pleasures are shollow, our sorrows are deep. — Cheyenne proverb
When a man prays one day and steals six, the Great Spirit thunders and the Evil One laughs. — Oklahoma proverb
Frogs don't drink up all the water in the ponds they live in. — Oglala proverb
Our first teacher is our own heart. — Cheyenne proverb
When the widomkeepers speak, all should listen. — Seneca proverb
Give your host a little something when you leave; little presents are little courtesies and never offend. — Seneca proverb s
People seeking a myth will usually find one. — Pueblo proverb
When an elder speaks, be silent and listen. — Mohawk proverb
Give me knowledge, so I may have kindness for all. — Plains Indians proverb
Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people want it. — Crow proverb
Truth does not happen, it just is. — Hopi proverb
If you wonder often, the gift of understanding will come. — Arapaho proverb
Take your children with you where you go and be not ashamed. — Hopi proverb
You can't purchase friendship — you have to do your part to make it. — Sauk proverb
I am one with the Earth. — Navajo (DinĂ©) proverb
Silence is the cornerstone of character. — Lakota proverb
Who serves his fellow man is all the greatness. — Dakota proverb
Good and evil cannot dwell together in the same heart, so a good man ought not to go into evil company. — Delaware proverb
Regard Heaven as your Father, Earth as your Mother, and all things as your Brothers and Sisters.
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. — Arapaho proverb
Flowers are for our souls to enjoy. — Lakota proverb
One has to face fear or forever run from it. — Crow proverb
What is past and cannot be prevented should not be grieved for. — Pawnee proverb
Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance. — Lakota proverb
Sing your death song and die like a hero going home. — Shawnee proverb
When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard. — Lakota proverb
He who is present at a wrongdoing, and does not lift a hand to prevent it, is as guilty as the wrongdoers. — Omaha proverb
Respect the gift and the giver. — Omaha proverb
When there is true hospitality, no many words are needed. — Arapaho proverb
He who has great power should use it lightly. — Seneca proverb
See how the boy is with his sister and you can know how the man will be with your daughter. — Plains Indians proverb
When we understand deeply in our hearts, we will fear and love and know the Great Spirit. — Oglala Sioux proverb
He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. — Seneca proverb
See how much more beautiful the sun is today, when you are not angry. — Lakota proverb
When the legends die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness. — Shawnee proverb
Hold fast to the words of your ancestors. — Hopi proverb
Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past. Wisdom is of the future. — Lumbee proverb
When you have a talent of any kind, use it, take care of it, guard it. — Sauk proverb
How we fought for our country is written in blood. — Duwamish proverb
People's eyes say words that the tongue cannot pronounce. — Crow proverb
We are made from Mother Earth and we go back to Mother Earth. — Shenandoah proverb
A brave man dies but once — a coward many times. — Ioway proverb
In age, talk; in childhood, tears. — Hopi proverb