, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. ~ English Proverb, American [16575]

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
~ English Proverb, American [16575]

Annie Louisa Swynnerton [née Robinson] (1844-1933)
Public Domain

Ricky Nelson performing this 1963 bossa nova-rock song based on this traditional proverb:

Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear)
written in 1940 by Johnny Mercer (lyrics) and Rube Bloom (music)
This song has been performed by a wide range of notable artists including Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Etta James, and Bow Wow Wow.

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16, POTD, Proverb of the Day,